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  • This Japanese robot can plaster walls like a skilled worker


    This is a rare humanoid robot used in the field of construction today.

    Japanese company Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, or AIST, has developed a humanoid robot that can perform simple construction tasks, such as installing drywall.


    Humanoid robots install plaster walls.

    You can see in the video above how the HRP-5P robot approaches an array of plaster walls, uses a hook to control it into your crank and attaches the plasterboard to the wall. First discovered by TechCrunch, the robot works like a teenager and still ensures the job gets done well.

    AIST imagines that HRP-5P is used on construction sites to address Japan's aging and underemployed population. The institute is aiming to equip "automated" equipment at assembly sites for large works, such as buildings, houses, airplanes and ships.

    The construction industry has long been cautious about hiring robots to replace unskilled labor, and only a handful of robots (not humanoid humans) can perform tasks such as building bricks, carpentry and tiling. .

    Reference: Theverge