The scheme to perfect the system of construction standards and technical regulations: Needs to be shortened, not abused
On April 23, Deputy Minister of Construction Le Quang Hung chaired a meeting to report on the results of implementing the Project's tasks of completing the system of construction standards and technical regulations. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Transport.
Deputy Minister of Construction Le Quang Hung chaired the meeting.
Shortened 13 standards and 1,248 standards
On February 9, 2018, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 198 / QD-TTg approving the Scheme on perfecting the system of construction standards and technical regulations.
To implement this Project, the Ministry of Construction has established a Steering Committee to complete the system of construction standards and technical regulations in Decision No. 612 / QD-BXD of February 15, 2018. The Steering Committee consists of 17 members who are vice ministers in charge of standards and technical regulations of ministries and branches and the representative representatives of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City People's Committees. The Minister of Construction is Head of the steering committee.
On June 29, 2018, the Steering Committee approved the Plan Implementation Plan, including 11 specific tasks of the Project. In which, two important and fundamental tasks are to list the system of technical regulations and construction to 2025 and to plan the national standards system of Construction industry to 2030.
To carry out these two tasks, the Ministry of Construction has set up an assistant team of the Project Steering Committee consisting of experts and managers experienced in the development of standards and regulations.
Ministries, branches met and agreed to shorten 29 current construction regulations to about 13 standards (QCVN). In particular, the Ministry of Construction is in charge of compiling and issuing 10 standards.
The specific list includes: QCVN 01 on construction planning; QCVN 02 on the data of natural conditions used in construction; QCVN 03 on grading and classifying construction works; QCVN 04 on Housing and public works; QCVN 05 on Products, construction materials; QCVN 06 on Fire safety for houses and structures; QCVN 07 on Urban technical infrastructure works; QCVN 08 on Safety in construction activities; QCVN 09 on Construction works using energy and QCVN 10 on Construction works ensure the access of people with disabilities.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade presided over the compilation of 2 standards, but the Ministry of Construction issued. These are QCVN 11 on Industrial Works and QCVN 12 on Hydropower Works. Finally, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will preside over the compilation and promulgation of QCVN 13 on Irrigation works and natural disaster prevention.
Regarding the standard system, the data provided by the General Department of Quality Measurement and the Institute of Science and Technology, construction, contain about 1,504 construction standards (TCVN). But through the review, 256 duplicated standards were found, so there were only 1,248 standards in reality. In particular, the Ministry of Construction will be responsible for developing about 1,068 standards. Other ministries and agencies will prepare about 180 remaining standards.
Mission in 2020
Currently, the Ministry of Construction has many standards that intersect other ministries and branches. Therefore, the Project Steering Committee Team has made a number of proposals and recommendations to carry out the task in 2020 and subsequent years.
First of all, it is submitted to the Minister of Construction for approval of the QCVN system planning for construction. The assistant team also asked the relevant ministries and agencies to elaborate a detailed outline, compile the set of standards according to the approved list and review the list of existing standards to avoid duplication and clear identification according to functions. , mission.
After that, the ministries and branches should submit to the Ministry of Science and Technology for approval the core TCVN system, before compiling and renewing the curriculum in the education and training system of the construction industry.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality should consider the compilation and announcement of standards to ensure that they are promptly issued to serve management tasks. of ministries and branches.
The working group also asked the Ministry of Science and Technology to allow the ministries and branches to be allowed to issue standards after the announcement of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
In addition, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality also need to consider the names and numbers of new standards of the Ministry of Construction to be promulgated (TCCS, TCN ...) to apply in parallel. parallel to the current TCVN. This will help the Ministry of Construction to buy the copyright of the European standard to serve as a basis for developing a number of new standards of the Ministry of Construction.
Finally, the Task Force asked the Ministry of Finance to amend the financial regulations to ensure the correctness and adequacy of labor and materials for the compilation of the system of standards and standards. Funding for the implementation of the Project is taken from the annual scientific and technological career budget allocated to ministries and branches.
"Do not abuse, issue too many standards"
In a meeting on April 23, Deputy Minister of Construction Le Quang Hung asked representatives of ministries and agencies to comment on the list of construction standards; Clearly define the standard interference between ministries and branches; planning and converting new standards systems; Issue standards and update curriculum.
Basically, representatives of ministries and agencies agreed with the Draft List of National Technical Regulations on construction of the Project Steering Committee. However, ministries and branches also contributed some ideas to complete the best draft.
In particular, the Ministry of Transport proposes urban underground public works in QCVN 04. Ministry of Agriculture
Source: Construction Newspaper